Shure PSM 1000 (Custom)

PSM1000 Overview

When renting wireless mics it only make sense to grab some in ear monitors (IEM) for your performance. Front of house engineers love not having to fight a loud stage and can get way more gain before feedback from mics.

This is a request form for PSM1000 monitoring system that allows us to build it according to your needs.  Just let us know how many transmitting channels are needed along with body pack receivers and we will send a quote by or before the next business day.

About the PSM1000

If you are used to using Shure branded wireless products then you find that the user interfaces on the components of the PSM1000 to be very intuitive and even user friendly if it's your first experience with Shure. The PSM1000 is one of the most requested wireless IEM from production companies and church productions nationwide (MicRentals.Com) and rightly so.

Some of these features are:

-Full rack, dual-channel transmitter in a professional, touring grade chassis -72 MHz wide tuning range provides flexibility and performance in crowded, unpredictable RF environments -Networkable over Ethernet connection to provide comprehensive frequency coordination and transmitter remote control via Wireless Workbench® software: -RF mute enable/disable -RF output power adjustments -Aux/line level -Audio input level -Channel/device name edit -Firmware updates -Backwards-compatible with PSM®900 receivers -RF Mute Switch allows system setup without causing RF interference -Sync RF scan information from a P10R body pack quickly and easily over IR link -Switchable 10/50/100 mW output power provides a robust RF link in a variety of performance environments -Spectrum display provides a detailed frequency plot on the menu screen with selectable zoom -Front panel audio input gain adjustment and LED level meter with clipping indicator -Exceptional transmitter linearity vastly reduces frequency intermodulation, allowing more compatible channels per frequency range -High-contrast LCD with grouped menu items provides an intuitive user interface -Front or back mountable antennas -Compatible with PA821B and PA821A antenna combiners -Loop out connectors for multiple mix setups and easy installation -Switchable +4dBu and -10 dBV input level -Balanced, ¼" and XLR connectors -1/8" headphone out on the front panel for easy monitoring

The majority of our PSM1000 systems operate in G10 (other bands like H22 and X55 may be available on request)

Available by request

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